Monday, July 02, 2007

Traverse City, Michigan

We're in Traverse City, MI. Planned to camp but are hiding out from the rain in a motel instead. All is going great.

We camped out last night at Snow Lake. It was a popular campground. Between Snow Lake and Traverse City we had lunch at the Oasis in Branch, MI. The food was excellant and the owner shared traveling stories with us.

Before leaving Phil and Jennifer's, they gave us some spare gear they had. I left with a brand new leather jacket and Jim got some nice summer gloves. Thanks again, Phil and Jennifer. We appreciate your hospitality and your generousity.

I forgot to mention that when we were at Phil and Jennifer's, they took us into Detroit to a free concert (Grand Funk RR) along the river. They also took us to an Ethiopian restaurant for dinner. That was a new experience, for sure. The food was good. Not totally sure what we had, but it's eaten with fingers - no silverware. Instead a flat bread, tortilla like bread is used.

Detroit was an experience. We passed numerous buildings that were empty - huge buildings, including skyscrapers and the original Tigers Stadium. Yet they continue to build new buildings and sky scrapers. It seemed like a huge waste. The river walk area was in a nicer part of town with newer buildings. Along with Phil and Jennifer we met up with Eric and Laura and Erik's son to watch the concert.

We're taking our time and taking back roads to get to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. After crossing the Mackinaw Bridge we'll catch Hwy. 2 to come across the northern states back home. We're going to make a stop in Wisconsin to take some pictures for my Mom then make our way to Idaho, where we'll start going south to John Day, OR where we need to be for a retirement party on July 14. Then up to Washington for class reunions. Then back to Baker City for another appointment on the 24th. From there, Jim is going to go to California to spend some time with his grandparents. I'll visit some friends in Eastern Oregon for a few days and then go back to Washington.


Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure having you here. As for the gear, you're entirely welcome. It was just laying around. Hope we'll see you on your return leg!

Phil (& Jennifer)

Unknown said...

Was great to meet you both. I'm glad you were part of my first group ride -- thank you! Looking forward to your return also.