Friday, July 28, 2006

Cleaning up

Cleaning Up

In preparation for selling our house we've been going through all of our junk. Wow!! How much stuff can two people accumulate in a few short years? A lot!

We've managed to clean out two bedrooms completely - giving away the beds and other stuff to people we knew could use it. We've thrown away a couple of garbage cans of junk, and taken a couple more loads to the Salvation Army. I'm hoping we can get rid of enough stuff that we won't have to have a yard sale.

We're going to try to sell the house ourselves. That might be interesting! At least I work at a mortgage company so I have somewhat of an idea of what needs to be done.

We already have a place to live once the house sells. It's out in the country so we can keep our dog. We've had her for 11 years, so I was hoping we wouldn't have to give her away. I have a friend who said she'd take her if we needed her to, but I'd rather keep her as long as we can.

The place we'll be living in until we head out on our travels is a nice apartment that a local rancher built in his shop. It's only a one bedroom, which is fine. That forces us to get rid of more stuff before we move in. We'll be allowed to park our vehicles in part of the shop while we're living there, so we'll have a place for the bikes and cars.

We're still moving ahead with our plan.

posted on February 14, 2006 9:28 AM (PST)

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